Project Location: Bijie, Guizhou
项目概况:项目是传统的苗族聚居区,村落中保留一座 古寺和部分传统民居,我们在对苗族传统历史文化研究 的基础上进行元素提炼,再根据不同的房屋结构形式作 了创新设计处理,让实用性、美观性和经济型达到完美 融合。
Overview:The project i araditional Miao residentialarea, thevillage retains an ancient templeand part of the traditional residential. We refine the elements on the basis of the study of traditional Miao hstory and culture, and thenmakeinnovative designs according to different forms of housing structure, sothat practicability, beauty and economy canbe perfectly integrated.