Project Location: Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan
项目概况:项目属于国家级保护区,对开发建设有最严格的保护要求,在这个保护前提下,我们仅在部分缓冲区和试验区设计建设小体量的研究性、隐蔽观 测性的设施,在设计中遵循自然生态的设计理念,对场地进行最好的保护,最好的融合,力求给金丝猴一片最小干扰的宁静家园。
Overview: The project belongs to the national protected area and has the most stringent protection requirements for development and construction. Under this premise, we only design and construct small-scale research and hidden observation facilities in some buffer zones and test zones. In the process of design, we follow the design concept of natural ecology, carry out the best protection of the site, the best integration, and strive to give the golden monkey a quiet home with the least interference.