Toronto 多伦多
1956年匈牙利十月事件后,37565名匈牙利人逃亡加拿大以躲避苏联军队的镇压。作为此次事件后的第二代匈牙利人,Hello Wood 建筑工作室为了纪念革命中的英雄,并对当时接纳这些流亡异国难民的加拿大人表示感激,在多伦多的布达佩斯公园搭建起了一个木制的装置。而37565根木条每一根都代表着一个在此得以安家的逃亡者。
After the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, 37 565 Hungarian emigrants settled in Canada fleeing communism. Hello Wood architecture studio, representing the 2nd generation of Hungarians since the revolution, built their contemporary interpretation of the historic event. The wooden installation’s purpose is to remember the heroes of the revolution, while thanking the Canadian people who welcomed and helped the integration of Hungarian refugees. The tunnel is comprised of 37 565 pieces; each one standing for a Hungarian refugee that was accepted into Canada.
▼ 37565根木条组成的装置,the wooden installation comprised of 37 565 pieces
Hello Wood’s installation built by Lake Ontario forms a tunnel. The entrance is the symbol of the spirit of the events of 1956: the Hungarian flag with a hole in the middle – protesters cut out the communist coat of arms from the Hungarian flag during the demonstrations. The exit of the tunnel is the national symbol of Canada, the maple leaf, symbolizing the journey of Hungarian refugees. The welcoming of Hungarian refugees was a huge turning point in the history of Canadian immigration policy that shaped the country’s open-minded attitude towards immigrants in general. Hungarian immigrants added value to the economy of Canada, like those 200 young engineers arriving from the Faculty of Wood Sciences of the University of Sopron who helped to shape the world famous Canadian wood industry. Canada welcomed 37 565 Hungarians after the Uprising, moulding the image of Canadian society so much, that in 2010 it was designated a Canadian national historic event and part of Canadian heritage.
▼ 隧道的一端是十月事件的代表性符号-一面中间被挖空的匈牙利国旗,the symbol of the spirit of the events of 1956: the Hungarian flag with a hole in the middle
▼ 加拿大的象征-红枫叶the national symbol of Canada, the maple leaf
▼ 夜景,evening view
“我们希望建造一个让没有匈牙利血统的加拿大孩子同样觉得有趣的纪念物。这条“穿越时空”的隧道明快亮丽,随着人们的渐渐靠近,仿佛与1956年那个时刻重新连接在一起。匈牙利裔的人们应为他们曾经的祖国和接纳他们的加拿大感到骄傲,而来自不同国家有着不同背景的当地居民也可以在此与世界历史进行一次亲密接触。” 本次项目的合作创始人Péter Pozsár说到。