
老Nanjinger 遇到了新International Village


当一个在中国生活了25年的老外获悉在南京的郊区将建一个国际村时会有什么样的反应?兴奋!受到这种情绪的感染,10月19日,我们归派国际村团队专赴拜访了这个叫贺福(Frank Hossack )的外国人和他的团队。

贺福,Frank Hossack ,一个促进东西方文化交流的媒体人,江苏杰出国际友人,南京公共外交协会梧桐奖最佳文化使者,从苏格兰来到中国已25年。在南京,他主办了《Nanjinger》免费社区杂志,南京城市指南、创建Nanjinger网站,制作脍炙人口的视频,给了所有外国读者一个了解中国文化的窗口,也让中国人更了解西方文化。贺福和他的文化传媒公司为中外文化的交流做着各方面的努力与探索。






Nanjinger meets International Village

 ---Greepi International Village team visited Nanjing SinoConnection for further cooperation


What is reaction when a foreigner who has lived in China for 25 years learned there will  build an international village in the outskirts of Nanjing? Excited! Affected by this sentiment, on October 19th, our International Village team visited a foreigner named Frank Hossack and his team.

He Fu, Frank Hossack, a media professional who tried to promote cultural exchange between the east and west and came to China from Scotland for 25 years. He got awards of the “Jiangsu Outstanding International friend” and the best cultural ambassadors of “Wutong Nanjing Public Diplomacy Association Award” . In Nanjing, he hosts a free community magazine “Nanjinger” and compiles Nanjing city guides, creating Nanjinger website and making popular video. He provides a window for foreigners to understand Chinese culture a, and also let Chinese people know more about western culture. He and his SinoConnection have made great efforts and explorations on the exchanges between Chinese and foreign culture.

Frank and his team have done many things the same as what International Villages want to do, but for International Village, it is far more than that. Zhang bo, founder of Greepi International, is also the mastermind of the International Village project. He said that Greepi  International Village is a living community of Chinese and western cultural symbiosis, as well as a cultural tourism project that integrates different aspects of trade, culture and education. The Greepi International Village in Nanjing Jiangning District is the first international village project of the group, and the company is building similar international village projects in chengdu and kunming. The completed international village will be the first stop for foreign friends arriving those cities. It can provide services for work, education, hostel and social services.

Frank was delighted that there is a social enterprise that focused on the lives of foreigners in China. He said the nanjing foreign resident are more than 20000 mainly live in the city, and they also love natural beautiful countryside. Danliyu International Village is very attractive in the environment and the content. He also expressed his willingness to cooperate with the resources of the international village project in the promotion and operation of cultural exchanges.

Cai Changsheng, deputy director of the planning institute of the regroup group, and Xia rui, deputy editor of Nanjinger magazine, attended the meeting jointly with Angela, the head of Marketing Department.

