甲 方:Parc Astérix
总面积:20 Ha
Client : Parc Astérix Total Area: 20 Ha
如同所有的故事片,幻觉效应是追求丰富感知的结果。游乐园建筑所创造的梦幻世界产生于一个全新的想法 : 即建造一座超越园的游乐城市,从空间规模上看,要组织好空地的布局,避免填得过满。在几个小时当中漫步于几米的距离内,创造惊奇 效果,使景象如梦如幻,似是非真,并改变比例结构。这里展现了完美的曲径通幽艺术,如同在一个硕大舞台上产生出一个纯粹虚幻的世界。
Like all fiction, an illusion is the result of a deep analysis of perception. The dream- like world created by the architecture in this park is based on a highly original concept: the building of a theme park that is not like an ordinary park. This is a park with empty spaces, not one with a series of filled spaces. Visitors cover a few metres in several hours. They encounter surprise effects, distorted perspectives and changes in the size and scale of objects, just as in the imaginary world of the theatre”.